Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) | Overview

Every day we are bombarded with invisible energy "bandits" –

  • Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation with sources including wireless networks, cordless and cellular phones.
  • Alternating Current (A/C) Electric, a type of electrical current, in which the direction of the flow of electrons switches back and forth at regular intervals or cycles. Current flowing in power lines and normal household electricity that comes from a wall outlet is Alternating Current Electric.
  • Alternating Current (A/C) Magnetic generated when an alternating current is passing through a coil. The A/C current is a time-varying current and it is often a sine-wave. Thus, the magnetic is also time-varying.

  • Dirty Electricity, the electromagnetic energy flowing along a conductor that deviates from a pure 50/60 Hz sine wave and has both harmonic and transient properties.

Common home, office, school and out in the world Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are biological hazards.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons

U.S. Department of the Army, Feb 17, 1998. This report was declassified and released to the public in response to a FOIA request by Donald Friedman.

Electromagnetic Fields Education

'Due to the mechanism missing linking the frequencies to adverse health effects, heat effect was the only precaution employed. That is ridiculous science, look at this video taken 10 years ago with an amazing scientist showing health adverse health effects at levels 75,000 times lower than allowable.' 

~ Curtis Bennett

Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs

Here is a picture from a must read book called "Cellular Radiation, Is This our Next Titanic?" by Dr. David R. James & Ora James Murphy. Ph: 1-877-300-4880 Ext 102. Look at the picture and think of your children or wives as well as all life.

~ Curtis Bennett 

Radio Frequency Exposure:
Specific Absorption Rate Testing Method

SAR or Specific Absorption Rate Testing Method is used to document radio frequency exposure to humans. As you can see by the link, the process used is a mannequin to probe for temperature after exposure. The SAR method is seriously limited in information; they aren't documenting true physiological changes with EMF exposure.

~ Curtis Bennett 

Smart Grid Stimulating Nerves, Killing Biology, Radiating Buildings, Infrastructure & Providing Excuse for Criminal Behavior

'The frequencies will kill everything living on the planet, radiate buildings, accelerate corrosion of infrastructure and destroy everything,

~ Curtis Bennett 

Smart Meter, Wi-Fi, Wireless & Wired Frequencies Are Very Dangerous

There are reasons we wire instead of using wireless. Wireless has to be used carefully and frequencies can't be thrown around with reckless abandon or that can interact with anything the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) touch....

~ Curtis Bennett 

Wireless Exposure and SAR Simplified

'This is the science we are relying on to protect us from RF EMF exposure from smart meters, Wi-Fi and cell phone radiation. Due to errors or omissions in safety code, the smart grid for smart meters will expose people and everything in the coverage area to electromagnetic radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.'

~ Curtis Bennett

Dianne Knight's Comment:
When wearing your Magnetic Soles please ensure that you have an as clean as possible, safer EMF environment to avoid as many as possible interactions with dangerous frequencies, especially those that by some are considered non-lethal.

What happens to a fetus, and/or a woman's ovaries for all her future babies and in turn all future generations and highly vulnerable beings when caught in the non-ionizing radiation plume of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons?


EMF’s fields, frequencies and forces are responsible for the entire matrix of our reality.

~ DrRonHillChiropractic.com

~ Dr. Ron Hill, B.Sc., D.C., F.I.A.C.A

Physical & biological science is black and white about this information and knowledge, but social, economical, and business practices (sciences) are not. They blur the lines due to vested interests.
~ Dr. Ron Hill,
B.Sc., D.C., F.I.A.C.A

Pinterest Business

For more detailed information about the harm of EMFs please visit Stay On The Truth.

The instruction to use a wired earpiece is outright wrong. The wire conducts the Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation straight into the brain.
The instruction to use a wired earpiece is outright wrong. The wire conducts the Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation straight into the brain.
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